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Adopting A Rescue Cat: A Purrfect Choice

March 1, 2024

March 2nd is International Rescue Cat Day! We’re delighted to give Fluffy a turn in the spotlight. Many of our feline patients have been rescued. While these cute furballs may have faced adversity, many are now living the cushy lives of pampered pets, resting, exploring whatever boxes their humans bring home, and enjoy kitty luxuries like toys and catnip. Giving a rescued feline a second chance is a great way to find your new pet! This article features a local Burlington, ON veterinarian discussing rescue cats.

What Are the Statistics for Rescue Cats?

The stats for rescued pets are nothing short of heartbreaking. Nobody knows exactly how many homeless cats live in the United States, but estimates range from 60 million to 100 million. Unfortunately, these numbers appear to be increasing.

Every year, many of those cats end up in shelters. However, this does not always result in a happy ending for them. Of the approximately 3.4 million cats that are admitted to shelters each year, around 1.3 million are adopted. Unfortunately, around 1.4 percent are euthanized.

Do Rescue Cats Have Problems?

There is no one, universal answer to this question. Our kitty companions are all unique! Some rescue cats will go quietly into their new homes, plop down in the middle of the living room floor, and act as if they have always been there. Others may require more time to settle in. 

It is true that some cats may require more care than others. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean there will be a lot of work or expense involved. It just depends on the cat!  If you are considering adopting a rescue cat who is recuperating from sickness or has unique needs, talk to your veterinarian and the animal shelter about Fluffy’s care requirements.

Keep in mind that many kitties struggle with major life changes. Fluffy may need some time to adjust to her new surroundings and feel safe. Be patient and allow your adorable pet time to acclimate. Time, love, and patience can work wonders on a frightened furball!

Why Are Rescue Kitties So Loving?

Many people claim that their rescue cats are even more loving and affectionate than the ordinary kitty. While we don’t have hard data on this topic, that certainly makes sense. Cats have good memories, and they definitely realize when someone has helped them. Fluffy may show her gratitude with snuggles, meows, and purrs. 

What Is The First Thing You Need To Do When Adopting A Cat?

The first thing to do would be to contact your veterinarian. Your feline buddy will need a thorough nose-to-tail examination. You’ll also need to get Fluffy caught up on any immunizations or parasite control medications she requires. If your furry companion has not yet been spayed or neutered, that should be on the schedule as well. Don’t forget about microchipping!

Aside from making that appointment, a trip to the pet store is definitely in order. Your kitty will require toys, dishes, a litterbox, litter, a scratching post, a carrier, and at least one comfortable bed. We would also recommend obtaining a kitty tower, though this does not have to happen right away.

What Should I Do If I Find A Cat That Needs Help?

If you come across a wounded or sick cat, we recommend taking Fluffy to your veterinarian right away. This may mean visiting an emergency clinic. However,  if it is after hours and/or the cat does not appear to require immediate emergency care, you can bring Fluffy home first. Set up your feline companion in a quiet, comfortable area with bedding, food, drink, and a litterbox, and bring her in the following day. If you take the furball home, quarantine her from all other pets and children until your Burlington, ON veterinarian gives you the all-clear.

The Universal Cat Distribution System is sometimes used to connect cats with their owners. This is when cats unexpectedly emerge in people’s lives. For example, Fluffy may simply appear on someone’s porch, at their job, or even by the side of the road, melt a heart, and obtain a human companion. If a kitty randomly shows up in your life, consider whether this is your cat’s way of finding you. That said, if you find a cat out on her own, you do not have to keep her, but you can still help out.

How Do You Form An Emotional Connection With A Rescued Cat?

Rule number one?  Never force attention on Fluffy. Our feline pals need to feel safe before they get attached to humans. This can take two minutes or two years: you just never know with cats. 

Here are some tips:

  • Talk to your rescued kitty. Use a friendly tone.
  • Play with your new furry friend! Holding a laser pointer or wand toy is an excellent way to start the conversation and get that motor going.
  • If your feline friend enjoys being petted, indulge her!
  • Hold out your hand to Fluffy. If she approaches, let her smell your hand before gently petting her ears or forehead.
  • Offer yummy food and treats. Stick with safe options, and ask your vet for advice.
  • Providing kitty comforts like beds, boxes, cat towers, scratching posts, snacks, and catnip will help Fluffy feel comfy and safe.
  • Offer your cat some places to hide if she becomes terrified. Kitty condos are fantastic, but Fluffy may be just as content with a box or a paper grocery bag with the handles cut off.

Ask your Burlington, ON veterinarian for further information. We’re also delighted to offer advice on Fluffy’s nutrition and care requirements.

What Are Some Tips for Adopting a Rescue Cat?

Adopting any kind of animal is a lifelong commitment.  However, there are several factors to consider before adopting a rescued cat.

Give Fluffy A Quiet Space To Settle In: This is especially vital if you own additional pets! Keep them separate until your veterinarian gives you the all-clear.

Petproof: Kittens are incredibly playful! Unfortunately, this can backfire. You will need to deal with any potential hazards. That list includes small/sharp items, ropes and strings, wires and cords, plastic bags and ties, toxic plants, chemicals, and medicine. Ask your vet for more information. 

Think about Getting Two Rescues. If you don’t already have any pets, you could consider obtaining two furballs. If you adopt both at the same time, neither will feel like your home is already theirs. Many cats benefit from having companions. Fluffy and Mittens may share many things, like toys and furnishings, so you won’t have to double your spending.

Consider The Rest Of Your Household. This includes other pets, children, and any roommates you may have, as well as your schedule and budget. Make sure you’re prepared, willing, and able to care for Fluffy for the rest of her natural life.

Do Your Research: Never had a kitty before? Do some reading, and learn more about these lovable, quirky balls of fur.

Open Your Heart: Don’t be surprised if your heart melts the first time Fluffy snuggles up with you or starts purring after you pet her. Rescuing a kitten can be a wonderful experience. It’s also an excellent way to find your feline companion!

Schedule An Appointment At Your Burlington, ON Animal Hospital

Are you considering adopting a rescue cat? Do you have any questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us here at your Burlington, ON pet hospital today! We are always willing to help.

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