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Canada Day With Fido

July 2, 2022
Happy Canada Day! This can be a dangerous holiday for Man’s Best Friend! You’ll need to take a few steps to keep your canine buddy safe. Read on as a local Burlington, ON vet offers some tips on keeping your furry bff safe and sound.


While you definitely don’t need to wait for a national holiday to grill out, it is more or less expected today. Fido will be more than happy to sample the offerings. Be careful with what you offer him! Many popular foods are toxic to our furry friends! Some of the things on the bad foods list include garlic and onions; grapes, currants, and raisins; meat on the bone; avocado; pitted fruits; fried foods; mushrooms; chocolate; alcohol; and anything with xylitol. We also recommend using a garbage can that closes securely, in case your pooch gets any bright ideas about hunting for leftovers.


Many dogs are terrified of fireworks. Fido doesn’t understand what the noise or commotion is all about, and may bolt in sheer terror. Bring your pooch indoors before the light show starts. If there are fireworks going off very close to you, turn a TV or radio on to mask the noise. Very nervous pups may also benefit from pet-calming products, such as calming shirts or pheromones.


Fleas, ticks, and other parasites may be small, but they pose some pretty big threats to Man’s Best Friend. Keep up with your canine pal’s preventative care!


We only have a few months of hot weather, but that doesn’t mean those summer heat waves aren’t dangerous. If Fido is spending time outdoors, make sure he always has clean water and access to cool, shady areas. Keep an eye out for signs that your furry pal is getting too hot. Panting is the first thing you’ll likely see. If you spot anything off, immediately bring your pet to a cool room or area, give him some water, and call your vet.


Lost pet reports often spike at this time of year. If you have a fenced yard, make sure that your gate closes securely. If you’re off your property, keep your canine companion leashed at all times. We also recommend making sure Fido is microchipped and wearing ID tags. As your Burlington, ON animal clinic, we are dedicated to offering great care. Please reach out to us anytime!

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