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Meet The Manx

March 15, 2022
St Patty’s Day is just around the corner! Unfortunately, there aren’t any Irish kitties to celebrate. However, the Manx, a cute furball from the Isle of Man, is happy to sprawl out in the spotlight for the spring holiday. A Burlington, ON vet discusses the Manx below.


As mentioned above, Fluffy originated in the Isle of man, which is in the Irish Sea, between Britain and Ireland. Nobody is sure exactly when the Manx first started charming people, but they have been around since at least 1750. We do know that Fluffy was one of the first breeds accepted by the CFA, back in 1906.

A Tail

The Manx’s most outstanding feature is her tail … or lack thereof. They are actually the only kitty that doesn’t have a tail! An old story notes that Fluffy was late getting onto Noah’s Ark, and got her tail cut off in the door. However, it turns out that the lack of tail is actually due to a genetic mutation. Because the Isle of Man had a small cat population, this feature quickly became very common there, due to inbreeding. Manx cats aren’t always completely tailless: some of them have little nubs or stumps. This has earned them the nickname Stumpies.


Manx kitties are known for being very cuddly and playful. They will dutifully chase off any intruding moths, and will probably follow you around. She may even talk to you! Fluffy apparently missed some memos when she was isolated on the island. These cute furballs like water, enjoy playing fetch, and often like being walked on a leash.


Manx cats tend to be quite fluffy. The longhaired ones are sometimes referred to as Cymric. You’ll need to brush your furry buddy regularly. As far as hair color, Fluffy can sport many different colors and patterns. In fact, she can be almost any color, except for chocolate, lavender, or pointed, like Siamese cats.


Fluffy is normally pretty healthy, but she is prone to developing a few specific medical conditions. ‘Stumpies’ may develop arthritis or sensitivity in their tail nubs. Manx Syndrome is also a possibility. This condition affects about one in five Manx cats, and can cause trouble with the urinary tract and digestion. Ask your vet for more information. As your Burlington, ON animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Please contact us anytime!

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