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Keeping a Senior Cat Comfy

May 1, 2020

Is your feline buddy aged ten or older? If so, you have a furry senior on your hands. Fluffy may still act like a kitten at times. However, as she ages she’ll become less frisky and—believe it or not—spend even more time napping. You’ll also want to focus less on keeping your pet occupied and out of mischief, and more on her health and comfort. A Burlington, ON vet offers some tips on keeping an older cat purring below.


First and foremost, set out lots of soft beds and napping spots for your drowsy furball to doze off in. Store-bought beds are fine, but kitties also like curling up on soft folded throw blankets. Put these on sofas, chairs, and ottomans, or even in boxes or wicker baskets.


Older kitties often get stiff and sore. Your furry little diva may have a hard time reaching her entire body. Brush Fluffy regularly will remove dust and dander from her coat, and keep her fur soft and shiny.


Fluffy may be wearing a fur coat, but she is still sensitive to temperature extremes. In winter, your feline friend will appreciate a heated or thermal bed. Many kitties also enjoy snoozing in sunbeams. Try to put one of your cat’s beds in a sunny spot. Cat magnet!


Your furry buddy may benefit from certain supplements, such as fish oil, in her golden years. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Veterinary Care

Fluffy’s risk of developing certain medical issues will increase as she ages. Make sure your kitty sees her doctor regularly. In between appointments, pay attention to your furball’s behavior, appearance, and habits, and keep an eye out for changes that could indicate illness or injury. Call us immediately if you notice anything amiss.


Your feline pal may prefer a litterbox with low sides. This will be easier for her to get in and out of than one with high walls. Give Fluffy’s personal powder room an upgrade! If you have more than one floor in your home, put extras on every level.


Small steps can also be very helpful here. Set out pet ramps to help Fluffy climb onto the bed or sofa, and turn a nightlight on for her at night.

Please reach out to us, your local Burlington, ON vet clinic, anytime. We are here to help!

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