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How To Properly Show Your Cat Respect

March 15, 2024

Fluffy celebrates Respect Your Cat Day on March 28th. Of course, if you were to ask your feline overlord for suggestions on how to show her respect, she might very well demand massive temples, statues, stocked fish ponds, and catnip gardens. While kittens may have persuaded many ancient peoples to go to such lengths, you don’t have to go too far. In fact, the greatest approach to show Fluffy respect is to understand her unique demands and personality. In this article, a local Burlington, ON veterinarian discusses how you can show your cat proper respect.

Feed Your Kitty A Good Diet

Giving your feline companion nutritious food is the first step in providing good cat care. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, but you should offer something appropriate for Fluffy’s age, health, and lifestyle. Ask your Burlington, ON veterinarian for particular guidance.

Make Fluffy A Furever Promise

When you adopt an animal, you’re committing to care for it for the rest of its natural life. Don’t take Fluffy in unless you’re ready, willing, and able to care for her no matter what.

Keep Your Feline Companion Indoors

If given the chance, Fluffy may disagree with this one. Many cats enjoy going outside. To be fair, the exercise and stimulation they get from being outdoors can be beneficial. However, once your pet steps outside, she is vulnerable to a variety of threats.

Here are some of the common ones:

  • Traffic
  • Weather
  • Chemical Exposure
  • Predators
  • Toxic Plants
  • Stray dogs
  • Other Cats
  • Parasites
  • Disease
  • Infection from cuts

Fluffy also could potentially become lost, trapped, stolen, or even killed. This is not simply hearsay. Approximately 18% of cats go missing at least once in their lives! Err on the side of caution, and ground the furball. (Sorry, Fluffy: it’s for your own good.) 

Get Your Feline Companion Spayed Or Neutered

If your feline pal hasn’t been fixed yet, we strongly advise you to set up an appointment at your pet clinic as soon as possible. This will benefit both you and your cat. Fluffy will be safer, healthier, and less likely to exhibit behaviors like spraying and yowling.

This also promotes good animal welfare. With millions of homeless cats in the world, it is only responsible to ensure that your pet does not contribute to this global problem!

Keep Fluffy Entertained With Kitty Playtime

Cats can be very entertaining pets. Fluffy has a unique ability to make us giggle simply by being herself. One of the reasons these little balls of fur are so enjoyable to have around is that they are so active and frisky. Your feline companion may appear foolish chasing that paper ball or catnip mouse around, but it’s serious work for her!

Kitties are both predators and prey in the wild. That makes for an intriguing combination of characteristics. Fluffy may be charming, spoiled, and, well, a little lethargic, but she really is a hunter at heart. Pouncing, jumping, and batting at your ankles as you walk by are all hunting techniques she would use in the wild. It’s important to let your feline companion express her inner lioness! (Plus, it’s really adorable to watch.)

Give your little companion plenty of fun toys and spend a few minutes each day playing with her. This doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Simply keep a laser pointer or cat toy near your favorite chair, and grab it for quick play sessions.

Playing has additional benefits as well. It’s fantastic for bonding and provides your pet with a safe, appropriate way to burn off excess energy.

Let Your Cat Cuddle Up With You

Our feline pals just happen to fit perfectly into our laps. Many of them also love to snuggle. Like people, pets simply want to feel loved and safe.

It’s always adorable how Fluffy starts her motor as soon as she gets in for some snuggle time. This benefits both of you. When you snuggle with your pet, you both release a particular hormone called oxytocin. This encourages feelings of love, safety, and happiness. When nursing mothers and babies hug, they emit it as well.

Fluffy may also like to curl up with you in bed. Allowing your kitty to sleep with you at night is optional, of course. As to whether this is good for sleep? It’s a toss-up. A purring cat curled up next to you can be really relaxing. A rambunctious kitty pouncing on your toes in the middle of the night. Not so much. (Tip: if your feline friend is too playful at night, tire her out with an exciting play session before bedtime.)

Offer Fluffy Little Luxuries

It is not too difficult to care for cats. But while giving your pet a healthy diet, keeping the litter box clean, and getting her regular vet treatment will take care of their basic necessities, it’s also critical to make your home enjoyable and comfortable for them. 

Simply giving Fluffy beds and scratching posts can go a long way. Your feline pal will also love a comfortable window seat. Cat towers are also fantastic since they serve as vantage posts, nail care stations, and jungle gyms. Don’t forget to give your furry buddy the occasional empty box!

Purrfect Powder Room

Cats utilize litter boxes, which makes it easier to care for them. However, it’s critical to keep your pet’s own powder room clean. Cats dislike unclean litter boxes, and who could blame them? We recommend scooping once a day and changing the litter every week or so.

A proper setup is also necessary. If you have more than one cat, you’ll need multiple litter boxes. Cats do not like to share bathrooms! Make sure the box is at a convenient location for your pet, away from drafts and direct sunlight. It should also provide some privacy.

Visit Your Burlington, ON Animal Clinic Regularly

Fluffy would probably prefer to take a nap instead rather than come visit us. We get it! We know that most cats are homebodies. Our feline patients aren’t usually very fond of car rides, either. In fact, the trip to the clinic is sometimes more stressful for cats than the actual sessions. However, adequate veterinary care is essential to your pet’s health and well-being.

We recommend that all cats be microchipped, spayed or neutered, and kept up to date on vaccinations and parasite control. Regular checkups and screenings are also crucial, since they can discover problems before symptoms arise. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.

At home, be on the lookout for symptoms of illness. Some of these symptoms include vomiting, fever, diarrhea, weight fluctuations, loss of appetite, fatigue, and respiratory problems. Contact your vet immediately if you spot anything off.

Make Sure Your Pet Feels Loved

Last but not least, keep that motor running! Chat with your cat, pet her, and play with her. Our feline companions are actually quite emotional and can create strong ties with their owners. Pay close attention to your kitty pal. We think that cat purrs and cuddles are some of the best things in life.

Do you have any queries about caring for your kitty companion? Contact your nearest Burlington, ON pet hospital today!

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