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Autumn Hazards for Dogs

October 1, 2020

Fall is coming! This is a great time to head outdoors with your canine buddy. Autumn’s crisp air, brilliant foliage, and balmy weather make for absolute perfect dog-walking weather. However, there are some things you’ll want to keep in mind as the weather cools. Here, a Burlington, ON vet lists some autumn hazards for Fido.


Weather can fluctuate pretty wildly at this time of year. Make sure your four-legged buddy is ready for the cold. If Fido has a thin coat, pull his doggy jackets out of storage. Make sure everything is in good shape and still fits.

Paw Care

Hopefully we have a bit more time before the snow hits, but it’s best to be prepared. Stock up on pet-safe de-icing agents.

Wild Animals

At this time of year, many wild animals are looking for places to hunker down for the winter. They may be more active than usual. They may also be a bit grumpy. Use caution when walking through wooded areas, and keep Fido leashed whenever you take him off your property. Also, make sure that he is current on his vaccinations and parasite control products.


Chemicals pose a definite risk to pets. Pesticides, fungicides, and other lawn/garden products can be very toxic to Man’s Best Friend. Fido could get sick just by walking through a recently-treated area and then licking his paws! Many people fill their cars with antifreeze at this time of year. This is also a big concern. Antifreeze is highly toxic to dogs, but unfortunately has a taste that many of them like. Mop up any spills right away.


Halloween can be stressful for our canine friends. Fido may be a bit overwhelmed with his role of door doggy if there is a steady stream of costumed visitors. Keep your canine pal in a back room with food, toys, bedding, and, of course, a yummy snack. (Don’t give him any chocolate or candy!) You may also want to turn a radio on to mask the noise.


We know, it’s adorable to watch playful pups jumping into piles of leaves. However, those leaf piles can harbor dangerous fungus. They can also conceal sharp sticks, or even wild animals. Only let Fido play in fresh, dry piles.

Please contact us, your Burlington, ON vet clinic, for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!  

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