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Fluffy’s Golden Years

September 15, 2020

Did you know that cats become seniors as early as age 9? Fluffy will still be the same lovable, cuddly  ball of fur as always, but she will benefit from some extra TLC as she ages. A Burlington, ON vet offers some tips on helping an older kitty comfy and purring below.


Your kitty may not be as frisky as she used to be, but she’ll still have her moments. Take a few minutes a day to play with Fluffy. This will help keep her fit, which is very beneficial for her physically. It’s also great for her mind!


Older cats are very tired, and tend to spend the majority of their time snoozing. Make sure Fluffy has lots of beds. Kitties often seek out warm spots in winter, so put some of those beds in sunbeams or near heaters. Your feline friend may also appreciate a heated or thermal bed.

Veterinary Care

Just like people, cats become susceptible to illness and injury as they age. Fluffy will benefit from more frequent appointments in her golden years. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.


Fluffy may find it easier to get in and out of a litterbox with low walls. You may also want to set out more than one litterbox, especially if your home has more than one floor.


Senior cats sometimes experience a decline in their cognitive functions, just as people do. Fluffy may get ‘stuck’ in the kitchen, or forget where her water dish is. She may express her dismay at these things by meowing loudly. Just try to comfort her as much as you can.


There are things you can do to make things a bit easier for Fluffy. Pet ramps or stairs will help her climb to the back of the couch more easily. It’s also a good idea to keep a nightlight on after dark. When you leave your furball home alone, turn a TV or radio on before you leave, so she has some background noise.


This is a special time in Fluffy’s life. Pay lots of attention to your kitty, and make sure she feels loved and safe. Talk to her, pet her, and play with her. Senior cat purrs are truly precious!

As your Burlington, ON vet clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Please feel free to contact us anytime!

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