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Adopt a Rescue Dog

May 15, 2020

May 20 th is Adopt A Rescue Dog Day! If you’re looking to bring a bit of joy into your home, why not give a rescue dog a great home? This is a very rewarding thing to do, and something that will change both your life and Fido’s. Here, a Burlington, ON vet offers tips on adopting a rescued dog.

Finding Fido

There are plenty of rescues that have cute, lovable pups up for adoption. Keep a few things in mind when picking out your pet. First and foremost, try to find a dog whose energy levels match yours and your family’s. Also, remember to keep an open heart. Don’t overlook the less adoptable dogs, like that senior pooch or the dog that can’t hear well. Sometimes the pooches no one else wanted make the best pets, as they are just so grateful to their saviors.

Getting Ready

Before you bring Fido home, you’ll want to do some petproofing. Remove or secure things like toxic plants, plastic bags and ties, medicines, chemicals, and anything small or sharp. If you have a yard, remove any dangerous plants, and make sure your fencing is secure. You’ll also want to make a trip to the store.   You’ll need food, toys, treats, dishes, a leash and collar or harness, a tie-out line, grooming supplies, a first-aid kit, waste baggies, and a comfy bed.

Settling In

When you bring Fido home, take him for a walk before bringing him in. If you have other pets, you’ll want to keep them separated for now. One of the first things you’ll want to do is take your dog to the vet. Aside from that, just let him relax. Your furry pal may sleep a lot at first. That’s normal for rescue dogs, as they need to recuperate. Don’t force attention on your new dog. Just focus on offering great care. (And, of course, snacks.)

Getting To Know Fido

Your canine buddy may have some quirks that you don’t know about yet. He also may be prone to running, especially at first, as he’s getting settled. When walking Fido, make sure you have a good grip on his leash, in case he bolts. Spend lots of time with him, and get to know him.

Please contact us, your Burlington, ON vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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