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Let’s Talk! 905-336-4002

How to keep your pet healthy during the current health crisis.

April 20, 2020

The truth of the matter is that the risk that COVID-19 poses to our dogs and cats is very low. The real and more significant risks for our pets continue to be the health threats they’ve always faced. Infectious agents such as Parvovirus, Distemper Virus, Rabies, Leptospirosis, Lyme disease, Heartworm disease, and others continue to pose a risk to pets in our community.
In the midst of the COVID situation, it is still important to protect your pet’s health from these and other risks that you would normally try to prevent. Having your pet’s vaccinations up to date and making sure they are on appropriate parasite prevention is very important as we move into Spring and the warmer months ahead. Our hospital is open, and we are able to help you take care of your pets’ preventative health needs in a way that minimizes the risk of being out in public. We offer curbside health services so you never have to leave your car and your pet can get the care they need. Call us today so we can help you help your pets!

dog with white fur smiling at camera

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