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Six And a Half Ways To Keep Your Cat Healthy

February 1, 2020

February is National Cat Health Month! Our feline friends are very easy to care for, which is one reason they are such popular pets. After all, Fluffy will spend the vast majority of her time snoozing. However, your pet needs more than a bowl of kibble and a spot on the couch to thrive. Read on as a local Burlington, ON vet lists some things you can do to keep your cat healthy.

Good Food

Proper nutrition is just as important for kitties as it is for us. Feed Fluffy the best food you can afford. However, don’t let your furball meowpulate you into overfeeding her. If your furry pal becomes obese, she’ll face some very serious health problems!

Doctor’s Visits

Most of our feline patients would rather take yet another nap than visit us. However, proper veterinary care is absolutely crucial to Fluffy’s health! Even indoor kitties that have been fixed and microchipped should be kept current on their exams, vaccinations, and parasite control. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.

Clean Litterbox

While some of our furry buddies can get finicky about litterbox setups and litters, all of them prefer clean ones. You can’t really blame Fluffy for this: no one likes a dirty bathroom!

Dental Care

Dental issues are much more prevalent in kitties than you may think. These issues are not only very painful, they can also be dangerous. Ask your vet for specific tips on caring for Fluffy’s teeth.


Boredom can really take a toll on pets, both mentally and physically. Keep Fluffy entertained by giving her lots of toys and playing with her daily. Your furball will also enjoy a window seat with a good view.

Keep Kitty In

We know, Fluffy may love exploring the yard, chasing butterflies, and leaving pawprints on your car. However, she’s much safer inside, where she is protected from cars, parasites, weather, and other hazards.

Bonus Half: Boxes

We all know that Fluffy loves boxes. A recent study of shelter cats confirmed this. Kitties that were given boxes were less stressed than those who weren’t. This is probably because cats feel safe in small spaces. Paper bags, kitty tents, and pet tunnels also work.

Please contact us, your local Burlington, ON vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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