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Taking Care of Your Pet When It’s Hot

August 15, 2019

Summer is here! Remember to keep your pet’s safety and happiness in mind as the temperatures rise. Do just that with these tips from a Burlington, ON vet:

Avoid Dehydration and Heatstroke

Pets can suffer from dehydration and potentially deadly heatstroke when they’re left out in the heat for too long. After all, your pet is wearing a permanent coat of fur! Don’t allow your animal friend to stay outdoors on hot days for very long—instead, allow them back inside to cool off in the comfort of the air conditioning. Provide plenty of fresh water for your pet to drink from, and try exercising them outdoors in the cooler morning or evening hours if you can.

Beware of Toxic Plants

There are all sorts of toxic plants and flowers for pets, and your animal friend is likely to come in contact with them during the warmer months. Some can irritate a pet’s mouth or throat, while others can cause serious cases of poisoning! The list of common toxic plants and flowers includes dieffenbachia, elephant ear, rhododendron (also called azalea), philodendron, lilies, tulips, daffodils, ivy, oleander, the sago palm, a variety of aloe plants, and much more. Find out what kind of toxic plants are common where you live, and take steps to keep your pet away from them.

Keep Up With Preventatives

Summer means that pests start to come out of the woodwork and latch on to our furry friends. Fleas, ticks, and parasitic worms all pose a threat! Luckily, your pet can be fully protected by a quality heartworm medication and a flea-and-tick control product. Talk to your veterinarian right away if your pet isn’t already set up with these preventative medications. Your animal companion will thank you!

Don’t Leave Your Pet in the Car

Even on milder days in the 70-degree range, the temperature inside a car parked in the sun can skyrocket to more than 100 degrees in only a few minutes. Cracking the windows won’t help! It’s important that you don’t leave your pet in a car on a summer day, because heatstroke can set in very quickly. It’s important to ask yourself whether or not you really need to bring your pet along to your destination, or if it’s easier and safer to simply leave them at home.

Want even more tips on summertime safety for pets? Contact your Burlington, ON animal hospital today.

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