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Camping With Fido

July 15, 2019

Do you enjoy camping? Many of our canine patients certainly do. Fido loves spending time in the Great Outdoors! In this article, a local Burlington, ON vet offers some tips on taking your dog camping.


Fido should be microchipped, wearing ID tags, and current on his vaccines, registration, and parasite control products. Keep in mind that camping isn’t necessarily right for every dog. If you have a small breed, senior dog, nursing mama, or puppy, check with your vet first, especially if you’ll be doing a lot of hiking.


Your furry pal will need a few things. Fido’s ‘doggy bag’ should include food, bedding, treats, dishes, towels, a first-aid kit, a tie-out line, grooming supplies, a spare leash and collar, and toys. If you’re going to be spending time near water, bring along a doggy lifejacket as well.


Fido has been known to go through trash in the hopes of scoring leftovers. The garbage could contain things that are dangerous to your pet, such as bones, skewers, can lids, and fat trimmings. It can also attract wildlife to your campsite. Burn or secure your garbage. Don’t forget to pick up after your pup!


Try not to let your dog drink from lakes, ponds, streams, or puddles. The water may be contaminated! If you’re bringing water, make sure you have plenty for Fido. Otherwise, boil it or treat it first to make it safe to drink.


Dogs and campfires can make for a perfect evening! Just take care not to let your canine companion n get close to the flames. You’ll also want to be careful in the morning: you don’t want Fido accidentally walking on hot coals.


Fido’s curiosity can get him into trouble in the wild. Keep a close eye on your dog, and don’t let him run off to explore on his own. If your furry friend doesn’t obey basic obedience commands, like Come and Stay, work on his ‘petucation’ before your trip.


Tick populations have been exploding lately. As mentioned above, it’s important to keep up with Fido’s parasite control. That said, we still recommend checking your four-legged pal daily, not just for ticks, but also for other bites, as well as any cuts or scrapes.

Is your dog due for an exam or vaccination? We can help! Call us, your local Burlington, ON vet clinic, today!

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