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Helping Your New Cat Settle In

June 1, 2019

June is Adopt A Cat Month! We’re always thrilled to see kitties going to good homes. However, this is the purrfect time to adopt a new pet. Of course, Fluffy may need time to adjust. Read on as a Burlington, ON vet discusses helping your cat settle in.


Fluffy will need a few things. A trip to the pet store is definitely on the agenda! Your list should include bedding, toys, dishes, a carrier, food, and, of course, a litterbox and litter. If you’re getting a kitten, avoid clay and clumping litters until your furball is fully-grown. Cat furniture, such as a cat tower, is also helpful.


If you have other pets, keep your furry pals separated at first. Put Fluffy in a quiet back room with her things, and let her settle in. Make introductions slowly, and only after getting the green light from your vet.

Veterinary Care

Schedule a veterinary appointment right away. If Fluffy has not yet been microchipped, spayed or neutered, or brought current on her exams, vaccinations, and parasite control, you’ll need to get these things done ASAP. Your other pets should also be up to date on wellness care. While you’re there, get some specific care tips for your furry buddy.


If you know what your feline friend has been eating, get that same food at first. You’ll want to make changes slowly, and only after speaking to your vet. Of course, you’ll also want to pick up some kitty treats. Try a few different types, until you figure out what Fluffy likes best.


One great way to bond with Fluffy is to play with her regularly. Kitties all have their own toy preferences and styles of playing, so a bit of experimentation may be in order.

Love and Hugs

Fluffy may sleep a lot at first, as she gets used to her new surroundings. Keep in mind that all cats are different: some are very cuddly, while others are more aloof. You should never force attention on your kitty. It’s important to let her come to you. Just focus on offering great care, and helping your furball feel safe and loved. You’ll have that little motor going before you know it!

Please contact us, your local Burlington, ON vet clinic, for all of your kitty’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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